DIY Antweight RC Remote
When you start out making antweight robots, the most expensive thing is the remote. For this reason I searched for a cheap RC Remote option. There were some cheap options in aliexpress, but I thought about an even cheaper option. »
How to Make Mini Sumo Robot with XMotion?
What is Mini Sumo Robot? Mini sumo robot is a special robot type that it beats the opponent mini sumo in special rules. Each robot is fully autonomous and tries to prudh other opponent robot. At mini sumo competition usually there is weight and dimension limit ( Max. 10 cm width, 10 cm length, no heigh limit, and max. 500 grams total weight) »
XMotion Basics – XMotion 101
So in basic, we add sensors, battery, motors and all other blocks are inside XMotion board. With XMotion you can make these robots easily: »
4 Ways LiPo Batteries can Damage Your Projects…
Using Thin Wires Sumo Robots can draw very high currents than thin wires can stand very well. In that cases that wires can melt and can create short circuits. »