Robot Mechanics

Motor Speed to Robot Speed Calculator

Motor Speed to Robot Speed Calculator

In these CoVid-19 days it looks like we will share more articles, projects. I am starting with one basic calculator for robot speed. You can easily calculate it with a calculator though, but laziness .. 🙂 »

How to Assemble M1 Mini Sumo Robot?

How to Assemble M1 Mini Sumo Robot?

In this article, we will assemble M1 mini sumo robot kit together. This robot model is very popular amongst beginner to moderate robot makers with versatility. Based on Arduino nano platform it is highly developable. But before development we need to assemble 🙂 In that article you will find all tips and tricks of M1 assembly and development. »

روبوتات السومو (Sumo Robots Arabic Manual)

روبوتات السومو (Sumo Robots Arabic Manual)

ماهي مسابقة السومو؟ هي رياضة مصارعة تقوم على هجوم كل من الروبوتين المتصارعين على الآخر لدفعه وطرده خارج حلبة السومو. وتعود فكرة هذه المباراة إلى رياضة مصارعة السومو اليابانية أو التي تقوم بمشاركة مصارعين بشريين كما في الشكل (1)، وتعد رياضة السومو روبوت (Sumo Robot) هي رياضة ذهنية تمكن من اثبات قوة تفكير ومهارة المتسابقين أصحاب الروبوتات دون أن يلحق أي أذى طفيف لدى البشر. »

Rocker Bogie Suspension System

Rocker Bogie Suspension System

The human body is a complex integration of intelligent parts in an intelligent way! Have you asked yourself before why when you jump you don’t end of having a broken leg? Why your stomach and Kidney don’t leave their places permanently as a result of the shock? The answer simply lies behind “The Suspension Systems”. Every solid matter that exists on earth has its own fragil... »