Fırato Series Japan Style Sumo Robots
- Fırato 2: Maxon RE 40
- Fırato Alpha : Maxon RE 35
Power Trains
Max Speed
- Fırato San: 4.8 m/s Continuous 5 m/s peak
- Fırato-2 and Alpha: 4 m/s
Fırato-San: Mercedes-Benz AMG Power train (Custom built)
Fırato 2 and Alpha: Pre-configured gears with custom mounts
Construction Methods
- Ultra-Durable weird alloy used in busses.
- Custom built brackets made out of steel and plated with Cr
- M4/M3 Screws
Fırato-San-2-Alpha: 3xKeyence PZG-41N 2x Omron 2x E3Z-D62
Every electronic circuits are custom built.
Here are the specs for them
Rev MC1
3-Board solution 2x Motor Driver 1x Logic board
Motor driver capacity 400A @ 16v with heatsink. 50A @ 16v without heatsink. These are the continuous current values.
Custom Analog-Fuse(When a mosfet dies it cuts the power only for that mosfet and uses the other available ones),Current limitting,PWM,Emergency shutdown,Thermal-Shutdown and built in SEPIC
Rev NC2
Fully Self contained solution. Motor Driver + Logic Board.
Motor Driver Specs : 400A @ 30V with heatsink. 70A @30V Without heatsink. These are the continuous current values.
Current Sense, Optional(Temp Sense,Regular fuse) No PWM, Fast response time.
Logic Specs : Built in programmer, 32 Tactics (5 of them are programmed), Self test, Built in Switch Mode Regulators.
Note: I wrote this article in somewhere near May 2014 (Sorry Mr. Dede) better late than never. I have also lost the photos that I had taken and Mr. Dede also had some photos. If he whishes to I would be glad to see them here.
Rev NC2 (Simulation)
Rev CX1 (the rest of the revison is just the configuration)
No/Photos (Mr.Dede has some)
Too bad you lost the photos :(, they would have been really cool to look at! Maybe Mr. Dede could give you some of them to post here?
What is the maximum speed of a mini sumo robot you owned?
Belinda Mitchel
your motor driver was ready-made or did you make it?
Wow man, I see that you worked hard. Very complex PCB designs. Do you have any suggestion for mosfet transistor model?