InvisiblePower V1.1 // Team – RobotikaJJG

InvisiblePower V1.1 // Team – RobotikaJJG

When you build? And Duration of progress

I built my V1 about in 2 weeks, just before Robotex 2019. But I had been designing the 3d model for about one month on and off. If I would count how much time did it take, I would say that it would be about 20-25 hours in CAD, 3-4 hours of soldering everything together, including the custom PCB and building everything together ~ 2-3hours. But of course it took some tries to get everything right, because at first, there were some design flaws, so I wasted some plastic and printing time.

What was the hardest part you achieved?

Probably the hardest part were the tactics and mechanical side of the robot. CAD wasn’t easy, but it just takes time, but isn’t really that hard.

Robot’s Total Weight

Maximum speed it can achieve
Haven’t measured it exactly, as it’s not my goal, but it can reach the other side of the ring (~70cm) with 2s lipo in 360 milliseconds. And if we convert that, it would be 0.7 / 0.36 = 1.94 meters per second.

Which batteries it uses?
I use Turnigy NanoTech 950mAh, 2s, 25-50C, battery. I use a big battery, because I don’t need to charge the robot for the whole competition.

Motor models and reduction system?
Motor model is CHR-GM16-050SH, ordered from aliexpress. The specs are 6v, 1000rpm, at 6v stall torque 0.8kg/cm, stall current about 3.5A. I am not sure what is the reduction ratio.

But they are not very good, (atleast if your robot weighs a lot) because you need to drive at low speed, and if the sensors don’t see, you can barely push the other robot.

Better option would be Jsumo CORE400 or CORE750 as 750rpm has basically the same speed and more then 4 times the torque. I will be upgrading to the CORE motors in V1.2.

At your robot what is more stronger, torque or speed?

How many sensors robot uses? What is Edge sensor and Opponent sensor Features?
The V1 used 4 JSumo JS40F opponent sensors, two facing 90 degrees, and two in 35 degreees (not crossed over). Then the V1.5 got an upgrade (it was planned in the first place) of one more sensor in the front – VL53L0X, but the problem of that – I have to use another arduino (probbably an ATTiny would be enough) to read the value of the TOF and send it over through PPM, because my robot is fast, and the I2C reading lags my code. The JS40F are very good, see black quite well.

Are there any tournaments that robot competed? Any degrees?
This robot has competed in three tournaments. The highest place was in Robotex 2019 – 4th place and very close to 3rd place, because I forgot my tactics, even I mixed up left with right, I was sick at the time 😀

What do you plan for future on that robot?
My plans for the robot are even smarter tactics, using JSumo CORE400 and CORE750 motors. Another plan was to add HC-05 (bluetooth capabilities ), but I am not sure, as I would have to create an app. But the upside is that I wouldn’t forget my tactics 😀

If any JSumo product helped you please declare
I used 4 pcs JS40F sensors and JS2622 wheels.

If you have any questions, please comment below. I will try to help 🙂

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