KAI – Club de Robotica ESIME Azcapotzalco
When you build? And Duration of progress
2018 – 2019
What was the hardest part you achieved?
Mechanics, main program, and the selection of the motors
Robot’s Total Weight
498 gr.
Maximum speed it can achieve
Not measured
Which batteries it uses?
I use nanotech batteries of 11.1v and 300mAh
Motor models and reduction system?
Core 6V 400 Rpm
At your robot what is more stronger, torque or speed?
Torque due to Core 400 Rpm motors.
How many sensors robot uses? What is Edge sensor and Opponent sensor Features?
4 opponent sensors & 2 line sensors: 2 made by my own, 2 jsumo sensors and 2 line sensors from jsumo
Are there any tournaments that robot competed? Any degrees?
Mini Sumo robot has competed in several events throughout the year and won in some
What do you plan for future on that robot?
The plan is to make this robot a winner of a big event
If any JSumo product helped you please declare
Core motors, and line sensors froms jsumo.
If you have any questions, please comment below. I will try to help 🙂
José Luis
What electronic boar did you used? Did you make it on your own?
Edgar Galvan
Hi Jose , that’s right I made it my own
David Gomez
Hola, muy buen robot! Me gustaría saber qué driver están usando para los motores?