Motor Speed to Robot Speed Calculator
In these CoVid-19 days it looks like we will share more articles, projects. I am starting with one basic calculator for robot speed. You can easily calculate it with a calculator though, but laziness .. 🙂
Try changing values below with your motor’s values.
For instance we are making one example of old JSumo Robot:
Motor is Maxon RE35: http://bdml.stanford.edu/twiki/pub/Haptics/PhotonicRobots/RE35-MaxonMotor.pdf
- Nominal Voltage is 15V
- Nominal Speed is 7070 Rpm
- Applied Voltage is 6S Lipo 25.2V
- Gear Ratio: 4.3:1
- Wheel Diameter 38mm
With these informations, it is giving me whopping 5400mm/sec speed! Sure this is free speed and nearly half of speed is lost in sumo robot projects due to high magnet and friction forces.