My sumo robots name are Meikyoushisui-no-Kizuna -明鏡止水ノ絆-
Design: Mysterious Ryota (Ayashii Ryota)
※Japanese name: 怪しい涼汰
Manufacture: People of small factory in town (main Ota-ku), my friends and young engineers (Mitoyo technical high school students)
Very very thank you for everybody’s cooperation!!
Team: Team-Udon (Post: secretary and manager)
Robot name: Meikyoushisui-no-Kizuna
※Japanese robot name: 明鏡止水ノ絆
I’m making 2 sumo robots for this year.
Then, let’s introduce them.
Looks like Hedge hog !?
All circles are magnets!!
(Magnetic force : Small magnet magnetic force is about 5kg,Big magnet magnet magnetic force is about 7.5kg)
This is a very very heavy weight machine in one of them.
This was planning move by pressure welding.
It can move freely:) I manufactured it. But I gave up. Because it’s weight over and size over.
- 4 Tsukasa geared morors (TG-85R-SU-552-KA,DC12V)
- LiPo Battery 3 cell (12.3V)
- Max Speed Unknown(very very very slow)
- Size about 210mm×210mm 🙂
- Weight about 4500g 🙂
- 4 sensors (Best technology)
- Magnetic force about 375kg
(Robot knives)
This is a tricky machine in one of them.
An upper cover also turns into a front cover.(→That is, it changes!)
Many many arrangements by many sensors is possible. (That arrangement by many sensors are secret.)
I have a robot knife with three kinds of angles.(Those angles are secret.)
Exchange of a robot knife is not hard.
- 2 Maxon morors(RE40 or RE35)
- LiPo Battery 7 cell (28.7V)
- Max Speed Unknown
- Size about 200mm×200mm
- Weight Unknown
- Many sensors(Best technology)
- All gear drive
- Magnetic force Unknown