
Arduino Line Follower Robot Assembly Guide

Arduino Line Follower Robot Assembly Guide

Line follower robots (line tracing robots) are a type of robot we recommend for introduction to robotics. It is easy to assemble but difficult to develop. In this article, we will discuss the assembly and explain how to assemble the robot kit. We will also cover how to test the line follower robot. »

Shifu Micro Sumo Robot – Equipo Educacion Urbana Argentina

Shifu Micro Sumo Robot – Equipo Educacion Urbana Argentina

When you build? And Duration of progress I built it in 10 days. It is designed in Autocad and printed in 3D on PLA. What was the hardest part you achieved? Without a doubt, the most difficult was the arrangement of the micromotors and the total weight of the robot. »

Quetzalito, Mexican Microsumo

Quetzalito, Mexican Microsumo


Why You Shouldn’t Buy Pololu 36V20CS Motor Controllers

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Pololu 36V20CS Motor Controllers

In this review, I will write some bad things about Burnt Pololu 36V20CS Robot controllers. First of all, I will start with me. I am not beginner at motor controllers or at least implementing motor controllers to robot systems. When I bought I was very excited and curious about these motor controllers… But I get disappointed with performance and lack of guarantee. »