KAI – Club de Robotica ESIME Azcapotzalco
When you build? And Duration of progress 2018 – 2019 What was the hardest part you achieved? Mechanics, main program, and the selection of the motors »
When you build? And Duration of progress 2018 – 2019 What was the hardest part you achieved? Mechanics, main program, and the selection of the motors »
When you build? And Duration of progress Since 2017 to 2019 What was the hardest part you achieved? The main program and mechanics of the robot in order to be as fast as possible »
When you build? And Duration of progress The robot was built a year ago with a construction duration of approximately 8 months What was the hardest part you achieved? The most difficult thing about the robot was the design and maintaining 3kg of weight »
When you build? And Duration of progress Two years ago, the construction time was approximately 6 months What was the hardest part you achieved? Finding a good transmission for the robot »
When you build? And Duration of progress It was made on November, 2017 What was the hardest part you achieved? Have a good motor control When you build? And Duration of progress It was made on November, 2017 What was the hardest part you achieved? Have a good motor control »