sharp sensor

Tremendo Mexican Minisumo Avengers Team

Tremendo Mexican Minisumo Avengers Team

THE ROBOT What is made the Structure? Aluminum How many sensors we use? As you can see we use only 4 sensors Sharp 340KAs you can see we use only 4 sensors Sharp 340K Which Microcontroller? ATMEGA8 Motors: Fingertech 50:1 Battery: Lipo Turnigy 4s »

Deep Impact Sumo Robot (Old Project – 2007)

Deep Impact Sumo Robot (Old Project – 2007)

Deep Impact Sumo Robot I watched videos of how to develop the project, Japanese sumo robots as fast as it can be extremely sharp turn in the thought of how make. And Deep Impact was born:) it has 2 edge contrast sensor, 2 ultrasonic sensor and 6 infrared sensors. It uses six Faulhaber dc gear motors. »