sumo robot

Stonehenge Robot – ThundeRatz Team

Stonehenge Robot – ThundeRatz Team

Robot and Team Name Robot: Stonehenge – Team Name: ThundeRatz When you build? And Duration of progress The first project was made in 2012 and it took 1 year, but the newest version was made in 2016 and it took 1 year too. What was the hardest part you achieved? Reduction gears wore out quickly, therefore it was necessary to change them very often. »

روبوتات السومو (Sumo Robots Arabic Manual)

روبوتات السومو (Sumo Robots Arabic Manual)

ماهي مسابقة السومو؟ هي رياضة مصارعة تقوم على هجوم كل من الروبوتين المتصارعين على الآخر لدفعه وطرده خارج حلبة السومو. وتعود فكرة هذه المباراة إلى رياضة مصارعة السومو اليابانية أو التي تقوم بمشاركة مصارعين بشريين كما في الشكل (1)، وتعد رياضة السومو روبوت (Sumo Robot) هي رياضة ذهنية تمكن من اثبات قوة تفكير ومهارة المتسابقين أصحاب الروبوتات دون أن يلحق أي أذى طفيف لدى البشر. »

XMotion Basics – XMotion 101

XMotion Basics – XMotion 101

So in basic, we add sensors, battery, motors and all other blocks are inside XMotion board. With XMotion you can make these robots easily: »

Morpheus Sumo Robot – BattleLab Robotica 2016 1st Place Winner

Morpheus Sumo Robot – BattleLab Robotica 2016 1st Place Winner

When you build? And Duration of progress. This year, and the build took around 5 months. Which difficulties you faced while building? The front of the robot was hard to make it as we hish. »

GZERO Robot Sumo – MEB Turkey Robot Competition 2016 1st Place Winner

GZERO Robot Sumo – MEB Turkey Robot Competition 2016 1st Place Winner

I started to design with my team at the beginning of first months of 2015 at Istanbul, Turkey. I updated old design of Senju and it bringed me victory. We made very harsh matches with another Turkish teams and never lost. »

Robot sumo assembly video!!! Syuryo-Kanna Sumo Robot (2012) japan

Robot sumo assembly video!!! Syuryo-Kanna Sumo Robot (2012) japan


Fırato Series Japan Style Sumo Robots

Fırato Series Japan Style Sumo Robots

Motors: Fırato 2: Maxon RE 40 Fırato Alpha : Maxon RE 35 Power Trains Max Speed Fırato San: 4.8 m/s Continuous 5 m/s peak Fırato-2 and Alpha: 4 m/s »

Wolf Sumo Robot (by Team Flex) – 2014

Wolf Sumo Robot (by Team Flex) – 2014

Designed and built by TeamFlex in Romania, at the beginning of 2014. Features: Maxon RE40 148866 DC Motors – 2 2-stage gearbox with total ratio 5.7:1 Omron opponent sensors – 8 Banner opponent sensors – 3 Pepperl&Fuchs line detection sensors – 2 Calculated speed is somewhere around 5mps, but actual measured speed is between 3.5 and 4 mps.   100% Test for 100 ms Wol... »

Syuryo-Kanna Sumo Robot (2013)

Syuryo-Kanna Sumo Robot (2013)

Design and manufacture: noclaf8810 Team: Team-Udon Robot name: Syuryo-kanna ※Japanese → しこ名:首領『神無』 This robot participated in the 2013 ALL JAPAN & INTERNATIONAL ROBOT SUMO TOURNAMENT (RC class). Ranking : Yokozuna (Champion) »

Lancer 2.0 Robot Sumo

Lancer 2.0 Robot Sumo

Sumo Lancer. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrónica. Lancer en la 1a Copa Internacional de Robótica ,Junio de 2013, México, Distrito Federal. Lancer en la 1a Copa Internacional de Robótica, Junio de 2013, México, Distrito Federal. Lancer en ROBOCORE Winter Challenge, Julio de 2013, São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, Brasil. »