DIY Antweight RC Remote

DIY Antweight RC Remote

When you start out making antweight robots, the most expensive thing is the remote. For this reason I searched for a cheap RC Remote option. There were some cheap options in aliexpress, but I thought about an even cheaper option.

First of all the parts list:

1x NRF24L01, you can use the simple or the high power version, which ever fits you best.
1x Arduino Mini (or any other arduino). I suggest on using arduino pro mini 3.3v, as you won’t need any breakout boards or voltage regulators as the NRF uses 3.3v logic and power.
2x PS2 joysticks or some broken toy RC remote. I chose the second option, as you don’t need to make some kind of enclosure, but of course, you need to find a broken remote.
1x A lipo or some kind of ‘powersupply’

1x NRF24L01, you can use the THT or the SMD version, whichever fits you best.
1x Arduino Mini (or any other arduino). I suggest on using arduino pro mini 3.3v, as you won’t need any breakout boards or voltage regulators as the NRF uses 3.3v logic and power.
1x Motor driver, I used TB6612FNG, but you can use any other motor driver

Wiring things up:
CE – 7, you can change this in the code
CS – 8, you can change this in the code
MOSI – 11
MISO – 12
SCK – 13
Analog outputs of potentiometers to analog pins. In this example:
A0, A1, A2, A3.

CE – 7, you can change this in the code
CS – 8, you can change this in the code
MOSI – 11
MISO – 12
SCK – 13
Motor driver pins:
AIN1 9
AIN2 4
BIN1 5
BIN2 2

The receiver uses mixing to get control from one stick, for me it’s easier than tank steering.
The transmitter code will need adjusment. You need to connect your joysticks and print your analog values in serial monitor to see min and max values and then change the map values. this is the code

Putting everything together:

Some transmitters use some other potentiometers, so their analog output isn’t the middle pin, so when soldering you should test the potentiometers with a multimeter (the potentiometer should be disconnected from the main circuit). I added some examples how the inside looks of these remotes.
As you can see when you wire up everything up, it’s quite messy.

Some heads up.
When buying NRF24l01 in chinese sites, the transceivers are sometimes sent not working, so I am suggesting ordering a couple, but if you have only two first test your wirings and then think about buying a new nrf.
NRF24l01 uses 3.3V power, don’t forget that, so you need a 3.3v regulator and a capacitor on the gnd and power lines. It uses quite a lot of current, so it could be that an arduino nano can’t output enough current, so I suggest on using the breakout board for simple use.

If you have any questions, please ask, I will try to help.

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Also I want to add lots of NRF modules are not working well. There some modules have antenna, their signal strength is better! 😉

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